Using the Outlook Calendar to Reserve Space



The University Email Service allows for a type of calendar that is specific to shared rooms and equipment. This type of calendar can be used to manage conference rooms, presentation spaces, projectors, lab equipment, etc. This is different from calendars an individual faculty or staff member would make themselves: they are managed by a group of people in the department and the process for adding events to this calendar can be restricted to certain department members.

You can find your room by searching two ways, by email or by name. All rooms follow the same basic formula. Outlook will auto fill the room name as you type it in.

  • +ASC [Room Number] [Building Name]
    • Example: +ASC 100A Mathematics Building
  • asc-[room number][building name]
    • Example:

Note: Some legacy versions of Outlook still require you to enter the room in the receipt line to avoid scheduling conflicts.


How to Reserve Space in Outlook

Reserve Space in Outlook for Windows and Webmail

  1. Click the calendar icon on the left side bar of Outlook.
  2. Under the Home tab click New Event
  3. In the location field enter the rooms name or email address, it will start to auto populate.
    1. If you need a detailed calendar view of the space, use the Scheduling Assistant option to compare the calendar for the space with your own calendar.
  4. Click send, depending on the department the room reservation may need to be approved.

Note: The legacy version of Outlook on Windows will look different than the screen shot below.



Reserve Space in Outlook for Mac

  1. Switch Outlook from email to calendar by clicking the calendar icon on the left side.
  2. Click New Event to schedule your meeting.
  3. Typing in the room starting with the room's number will start to populate the location if you do not know the name or email.
    • If you need a detailed calendar view of the space, use the Scheduling Assistant option to compare the calendar for the space with your own calendar.
  4. Click save

Note: The legacy version of Outlook on Mac will look different than the screen shot below. Some versions of Outlook will

Add a room calendar to Outlook

If you would like to view the room calendar or permanently add it without reserving the space, the instructions below will walk you through doing this.

Add a Room Calendar on Outlook for Windows or Webmail

  1. Go to the Outlook App on Windows or on the web at
  2. Click on the calendar icon on the left side of the screen
  3. Below the small monthly calendar, click Add Calendar > Add from directory > Select your osu email
  4. Enter in the room name, select where you would like the calendar to go to and click add
  5. You should now see the the calendar under the rooms category.

Note: These instructions are for the New and Webmail version of Outlook. Legacy versions of Outlook may not follow these steps.


Add a Room Calendar on Outlook for Mac

  1. In the calendar tab below the small monthly calendar, click + Add calendar > Add Shared Calendar
  2. Enter the room name into the search line.
  3. Click Open.


Specific Unit Room Lists

Math Department Rooms

The Math department has six rooms that can be scheduled on a first come first serve basis to Math Faculty and Staff only.

The rooms available are MW100A, MW130B, MW152, MW154, MA105, and MA417

If you have any questions about reserving a room please contact your local ASCTech staff.

                 Room Email                                                    Room Name               +ASC 100 Mathematics Tower               +ASC 130B Mathematics Tower or             +ASC 152 Mathematics Tower                 +ASC 154 Mathematics Tower              +ASC 105 Mathematics Building              +ASC 417 Mathematics Building

Chemistry Department Rooms

Chemistry and Biochemistry shared conference rooms are hosted on the University Email System, (UES). If you are a faculty or staff member in CBC, you can access the calendars from Outlook or from the Outlook Web App (OWA), interface on any browser. If you are a grad student, you will need to use Buckeyemail with a different procedure to reserve conference rooms. 

Reserving Conference Rooms: Graduate Student Instructions

  1. Log on to your Buckeyemail account and pick the "Calendar" tab 
  2. Select the desired date and time for your meeting 
  3. Select New Event in the upper left hand corner of the calendar window 
  4. Give the Event a name 
  5. In the body of the Event, type “Conference room request”.
  6. Select Scheduling Assistant 
  7. In the Attendees field type one of the conference room email addresses in the table below. 
  8. In the Attendees field type the address cbc-­ 
  9. Prior reservations will be marked by a grayed-­out box labeled "busy."
  10. After you’ve found a free time, click on OK and go back to the Event form. 
  11. Click Send to schedule the meeting. It should show up on that conference room’s calendar but will need to be accepted by our administrators. 
  12. Important: We use the event invite to to give us enough information, (date/time/room), for us to find the request and approve it. If your meeting is not approved by calendar admins it is not scheduled, and is only considered tentative. Until it is approved, someone could schedule the same room/time. 
UES Display Name UES email address Capacity
+ASC 1023 McPherson Lab 12-15
+ASC 1120 Newman & Wolfram Lab 8-10
+ASC 2136 Newman & Wolfram Lab 18-20
+ASC 716 Riffe Building 12-15
+ASC 768 Biological Sciences Building 8-10
+ASC 773 Biological Sciences Building 25
+CBEC 230 33
+CBEC 267 45
+CBEC 330 33
+CBEC 415 6-8
+CBEC 430 33
+CBEC 467 cbec467confrm@osu.ed u 23
+CBEC 468





Article ID: 140091
Thu 12/9/21 2:55 PM
Fri 5/31/24 10:34 AM