A&H - Service Desk Standards and Practice


Standard practices and scope of support for the Arts & Humanities service desk in 009 Denney.


This article pertains to the Arts & Humanities and Administrative units that are supported by the A&H service desk. Standards and Practices may vary depending on your unit. If you have questions, please contact your support area. You can find all contact information on our front page.


  • Tickets assigned to the A&H service desk will be responded to within two business days of them being submitted.
  • If the technician does not hear back within two business days, they will follow up with the customer and see if they still need help.
  • If the technician still does not hear back within one more business day, the ticket will be closed.

Scope of Support

Support Areas

  • The people in the A&H Service Desk support the A&H and the administrative departments. If they receive a walkin or a phone call from someone who's not in one of these departments, they will create a ticket and assign it to the customer's designated IT group and then refer the customer to their respective walkin area, or direct them to the phone number of the area that supports them.
  • For a list of the walkin areas and their phone numbers, see the front page of the client portal for TeamDynamix.
  • For a list of IT phone numbers, including non-ASCTech phone numbers, see the IT phone numbers KB.

Other Scope-Related Standards

  • Personal Machines: ASCTech does not provide support for non-ASC-owned machines. For support with personal machines, please contact 8Help at 8help@osu.edu, 614-688-4447, or the BuckeyeBar in Thompson Library or the BuckeyeBar in Tech Hub.
  • Loaner Machines: ASCTech does not provide loaner machines. If someone in one of the academic units wants a loaner machine, they can refer to their departmental equipment coordinator. If they are unsure who this is, ASCTech is happy to help.
  • Surplus
    • When an old machine is getting replaced, and the old machine is going to be surplussed, ASCTech will take the old machine to the department's equipment coordinator and put a Post-It note on the old machine. Post-It should include:
      • Ticket number for the deployment of the new machine that's replacing the old machine.
      • A note that says "Please do not surplus until [date 1 month later than deployment of new machine]. -ASCTech"
    • If the faculty/staff insists that they will deliver the old device to the equipment coordinator, ASCTech will email the equipment coordinator, cc'ing the faculty/staff, and let the equipment coordinator know they should be expecting this delivery.
    • ASCTech does surplus for the administrative offices. The academic units do their own surplus.
  • ASCTech does not support machines that are more than five years old. At this point, we recommend surplus to the department, and we reserve the right to remove a machine from our network.
  • Classroom and Labs
    • ASCTech only installs new software in classrooms/labs during summer break.
    • Software may be updated over spring, summer, and winter breaks.
    • ASCTech only installs new software or updates software when we receive the request two weeks before the start of the semester. Any requests received after this time may not be accommodated.
  • Printers and Multifunction Devices

    • ASCTech does not manage accounting codes or address books on printers. We are able to set up computers to use accounting codes when printing, but we do not manage them on the printers themselves. This responsibility belongs to the department and ComDoc.

    • ASCTech's network does not support scan-to-folder.

  • ASCTech provides limited presentation support. While we are happy to help our customers set up and prepare for a conference or presentation, there are parts of this that are outside our scope.

    • ASCTech may be present for the beginning of the presentation but is not expected to stay for the duration of the meeting/conference.

    • ASCTech will only support presentations that take place during our regular business hours.

    • ASCTech does not have equipment to loan for presentations. Please see the above note regarding loaner machines. The same applies to clickers and projectors.

  • ASCTech is required to perform Three and Green by 2018 (TaG18) maintenance on all computers owned by the College of Arts and Sciences. For more information on TaG18, please see the related articles on the right.



Article ID: 47968
Wed 2/7/18 11:48 AM
Tue 11/14/23 5:13 PM