IT Phone Numbers

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A&H Service Desk: 614-688-4447
ACCAD: 614-292-1041
Center for Human Resource Research: 614-442-7373 (Nicki Stassen.9)
Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Biological Sciences: 614-292-0848
Earth Sciences: 614-688-3457
Economics: 614-247-4072
Geography: 614-292-3133
Math: 614-292-4962
Physics: 614-292-4269
Psychology: 614-292-6907
School of Comm: 614-247-7953 (Joe Szymczak.4); 614-292-7253 (Jay Smith.3863)
Sociology: 614-292-1294
Statistics: 614-292-5534
West Campus: 614-292-1723 (Jason Johnson.3279)

8Help/OTDI: 614-688-4357
Academic Affairs IT: 614-292-0032
Advancement IT: 614-292-8324
Athletics IT: 614-292-2164
ATI/OARDC (Wooster) IT: 330-263-3772
Canvas Help: 614-247-6414
Classroom Support: 614-247-4357
College of Food, Ag, and Environmental Sciences IT: 614-292-9110
College of Engineering IT: 614-688-2828
College of Pharmacy IT: 614-688-8000
College of Social Work: 614-292-7877
College of Veterinary Medicine IT (VIS): 614-292-4146
Dentistry Information Systems: 614-247-1552
Enrollment Services IT (ESUE): 614-247-2141
Fisher College of Business IT: 614-292-8976
Facilities Operations and Development Help Desk: 614-292-4357
John Glenn School of Public Affairs IT: 614-292-9874
Legal Affairs IT: 614-292-0032
Marion Campus IT: 740-725-6329
Medical Center IT: 614-293-3861
Moritz College of Law IT: 614-247-6885
Nursing IT: 614-688-5370 (Awais Ali.61)
Office of Research IT: 614-688-8288
OTEL (EHE Help Desk), Office of Technology and Enhanced Learning Help Desk: 614-247-8324
Resnet (Student Life IT): 614-292-5700
Student Health Services IT: 614-292-3649
University Advancement IT: 614-292-8324