Publication Request

Do you have information to share? Submit your information to EHE communications and the team will get it to the appropriate distribution channel.

How Do I Get Started?

We will need:

  • The copy you would like to have published
  • Images, if applicable
  • Links, if applicable
  • Intended audience(s) for the message. Who are you trying to reach?

What Are the Deadlines?

  • Content meant for the college digital displays must be submitted at least three business days in advance 
  • Social media posts must be submitted at least one day in advance.
  • Items included in The EHE Insider must be submitted before before noon on Thursday.
  • Items included in Faculty and Staff Achievements should be submitted by the fourth Monday of every month.
  • Items suggested for Inspire must be submitted before the first of every month.

Where Will My Request Get Published?

Social media

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • YouTube

Email Newsletters

  • The EHE Insider – the weekly faculty and staff newsletter
  • Faculty and Staff Achievements – the monthly newsletter recognizing the professional achievements of our faculty and staff
  • Inspire – the monthly newsletter for the college’s alumni

Special Considerations

  1. Submission does not guarantee publication in all channels. The marketing and communications team will determine the best fit based on the audience.
  2. Submitted items will be edited for grammar, spelling, length and university editorial style. If the item cannot be edited due to IRB approval, please include that information in your submission.
  3. Items may be edited differently based on channel.