Adobe Creative Cloud

Creative Cloud license for EHE staff and faculty 

For university employees, the availability of Creative Cloud for work use will vary by department. Ohio State has a licensing agreement with Adobe so units can license FTEs at a rate of $35 per fiscal year.

Please note that Adobe Acrobat Pro, the most used Adobe software at Ohio State, is available to all faculty and staff without the need for a full Creative Cloud license. Adobe Express, a streamlined web app with the ability to complete many common creative tasks, is available to all Ohio State faculty, staff and students. It may be possible to use Express rather than a full Creative Cloud license. 

How Do I Get Started?

If you're a staff or faculty member who requires the use of Adobe Creative Cloud Applications, simply fill out the form by clicking on the Request Service button to the right.

Adobe Acrobat Pro: Faculty and staff can log in online(link is external) or download the app from EHE Apps on university-managed devices. 

What's Included

Users have access to unlimited installs of Creative Cloud, but only 2 activations at a given time.

This process can be used to obtain licenses for a single name.# or multiple name.#s


This service is available for all staff and faculty members who have departmental approval. 

Special Considerations

Licenses must be renewed each fiscal year for continued use (start of Fiscal Year, July 1)