ARTICLE: Known Issue: Expand Button Bug on new EchoVideo Player


Echo360 has updated the EchoVideo user interface. In partnership with their support team, we've uncovered that the "expand" button may possibly lead students to encountering a "403 error". 

If your students would like to view Echo360 EchoVideos in full screen, please have them use the full screen brackets icon, NOT the expand button. It is the final icon on the player control bar.

The image below has the full screen bracket icon highlighted with a red box.

EchoVideo Sample with full screen bracket icon boxed in red

Expected Fix Date

The Echo360 EchoVideo development team has targeted a fix date of Monday, January 15th.

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Article ID: 156321
Wed 1/10/24 3:39 PM
Fri 8/30/24 2:59 PM