Hardware Loan

Service Overview

  • Computers and peripherals available for short-term loan

What Is Included

  • COP Technology Services will assess users' needs and advise if loaner equipment is available for the length of time needed (laptops, microphones, webcams, and other peripherals).


  • Available to College of Pharmacy faculty, staff, graduate students, and student employees/researchers.

Standard Availability

  • Service available 24/7; requests fulfilled during normal business hours.


  • Free to eligible users in the College of Pharmacy for COP-related purposes (except for costs mentioned under Special Considerations).

Special Considerations

  • COP Technology Services cannot guarantee the availability of loaner equipment. Please keep in mind that equipment may be in high demand at certain times of the year.
  • Equipment is generally only loaned for periods of time less then a week or two. For longer term usage, users may need to purchase their own equipment.
  • Users are responsible for returning equipment at the agreed upon time and in proper working condition. Lost, damaged, or unreturned equipment will result in a charge to the user's COP funds for replacement.

How to Request