Echo360 Role Assignment

Service Overview

  • Request an existing Echo360 account be given permission to record content for a specific semester and course

What Is Included

  • COP Technology Services will assign an existing Echo360 account to the correct semester, course, and role.


  • Available to College of Pharmacy faculty, staff, graduate students and others who teach in Pharmacy courses.

Standard Availability

  • Service available 24/7; requests fulfilled during normal business hours.


  • Free to eligible users in the College of Pharmacy for COP-related purposes.

Special Considerations

  • For support with courses in non-Pharmacy programs, contact that program's support team.
  • Questions about how to use Echo360 in your teaching should be directed to

How to Request

Request Service


Service ID: 52333
Thu 8/4/22 3:23 PM
Wed 8/24/22 8:38 AM