Extend COP Account (Guest/Volunteer Access)

Tags account guest

Service Overview

  • Extend an existing COP account once a user is no longer affiliated with the university. This must be done in conjunction with an active university guest account.

What Is Included

  • COP Technology Services will extend access for an existing user who is departing the university. This is often done when a graduate student or research scientist will continue to collaborate on COP research projects or finish up work after graduation.


  • Available to individuals who have an existing College of Pharmacy domain account, with their supervisor's approval.

Standard Availability

  • Service available 24/7; requests fulfilled during normal business hours.


  • Free to eligible users in the College of Pharmacy for COP-related purposes.

Special Considerations

  • Requests for new COP domain accounts must be initiated through COP HR.
  • The request to extend COP domain access must be initiated by the supervisor. Users cannot request to extend their own access.
  • It is the supervisor's responsibility to ensure the OSU guest account is created before requesting the COP account to be extended.
  • The expiration date on the COP domain account must match the expiration date on the OSU guest account (up to 1 year from the creation date).

How to Request

  • Supervisors should first reference the Creating Guests and Affiliates job aid to create/extend the OSU guest account:
    • The most common Relationship Role is "Visiting Fellow-Unpaid" in the case of a former student/researcher who is continuing a research collaboration. The "Volunteer" Relationship Role may be used when a guest just needs a name.#, such as to access Carmen, BuckeyeLearn, or osu.edu email.
    • Primary Sponsor and Alternate Sponsor must be COP faculty or staff (not IT staff).
    • Guest Administrator is Hoerig, Casey.
  • Once the OSU guest account is created, use the "Request Service" button (preferred) or email cop-problem@osu.edu.