Basic Manual for Xerox Copier/Printers in Denney

Making Copies:
[Depending on a number of factors, Steps 1 and 2 may be in reverse order; sorry.]
1. Enter your Print Code using the numeric keypad or the on-screen keyboard. (Don’t press the “Log In/Out” button — yes, it’s confusing.)
2. If the copy screen is not already displayed, press the silver Services Home button to the left of the screen, then select “Copy.”

3. As with the old printers, there are two ways to load documents:
     a. Load your documents face up in the document tray and adjust the guide to just touch the documents.
     b. Lift the lid and place the original face down on the glass. BIG CHANGE: original must be aligned to the upper right corner.
4. Select the required features using the touch screen


5. ANOTHER BIG CHANGE: Are you (1) using the flatbed glass; and (2) printing more than 1 page single-sided or 2 pages double-sided? You may want to use the “Build job” feature (see below).
6. Enter the copy quantity using the numeric keypad and press Start to scan the originals.
     a. If you are producing a large number of sets, you may want to run a Sample Job (see below).
7. There will be a small pause while the machine scans the document; it’s surprisingly quiet.
8. When you are finished, please log out: click on your name in the green box in the upper-right corner, select “Log Out,” and confirm by clicking “Logout.”

Building a Job:
Build job is a very powerful feature; it does all sorts of wild and crazy things.

For our purposes, it’s most useful for when you want to copy multi-page documents from the flatbed, or if you’re mixing document sizes/sources. If you do not use “build job,” your flatbed-placed multi-page documents will not be stapled or collated, and they will print as one sheet per job, which can be annoying.
1.     Select your copy options from the copy screen as described in “Making Copies”
2.     On the Job Assembly tab, select Build Job.
3.     Switch on Build Job by selecting the On button and selecting Save.
4.     The printers call each component part of a multi-page job a segment. So, load the first “segment” originals (i.e., place the first page on the glass) and press Start.
5.     Remove the first segment originals after they have been scanned. The Build Job screen displays the first segment in the list. The following options can be applied to any segment:
     a.     Sample Last Segment produces a proof print of the last segment scanned. If you are satisfied with the proof
             you can continue programing the Build Job.
     b.     Delete Last Segment deletes the last segment scanned. You can continue programing the Build Job.
     c.     Delete All Segments deletes the current Build Job and returns you to the main Build Job screen.
6.     Repeat these steps until all segments of your job have been programmed and scanned.
7.     After the last segment has been scanned, select End Build Job to indicate you have finished scanning and the job will be processed and printed.

Sample Job:
You may want to combine Build Job with Sample Job. (You can also use it by itself when running documents through the document feeder.) When copying a large number of sets, use the Sample Job feature to review a proof copy to ensure that all the print settings are correct before printing the remaining sets.
1.     Select the Sample Job button on the Job Assembly tab.
2.     Select the On button and the Save button.
3.     Copy as usual, whether using Build Job or not.
4.     One copy set of the job, the Sample Job, is printed.
5.     If the Sample Job is acceptable, select Release. The programmed number of sets will be produced.
6.     If the Sample Job is unacceptable, select Delete and Delete Job to confirm. Your job will be deleted from the list, and you can start over.

Sending a Fax:
Basically, almost nothing has changed from the old system. The system will, however, require you to log in with your print code, and faxing is only available on printer DE 421-A.
[Depending on a number of factors, Steps 1 and 2 may be in reverse order; sorry.]
1.     Enter your Print Code using the numeric keypad or the on-screen keyboard.
2.     If the fax screen is not already displayed, press the silver Services Home button to the left of the screen, then select “Fax.”
3.     Place your documents, incl. cover sheet if desired, face-up in the document feeder.
4.     Dial the number as follows, using the numeric keypad:
On-campus: Dial the 5-digit extension (ex: 2-5555).
Off-campus local: Dial 9 and then the 7-digit number (ex : 9-555-5555)
Off-campus long distance: Dial 9-1 and then the 10-digit number (ex: 9-1-202-555-5555)
International: Dial 9-011, then the country code, then the number, including any county/city codes (ex: 9-011-33-155555555).
5.     Hit Start; the fax will auto-send.
6.     There is not a confirmation page, but the machine will print an error report if the fax was not sent successfully.
7.     When you are finished, please log out: click on your name in the green box in the upper-right corner, select “Log Out,” and confirm by clicking “Logout.”

Scanning to Email (Labeled as "Email"):
[Depending on a number of factors, Steps 1 and 2 may be in reverse order; sorry.]
1.     Enter your Print Code using the numeric keypad or the on-screen keyboard.
2.     If the Email screen is not already displayed, press the silver Services Home button to the left of the screen, then select “Email.”
3.     Select “New Recipients…” on the lefthand side of the screen.
4.     Type the first few letters of your last name, then press “Search” (to the right of the input field).
5.     Select your name from the list on the left, then choose “Add(To:)”
6.     Press “Close” in the upper right.
7.     Place documents in the feeder and hit Start.
8.     When you are finished, please log out: click on your name in the green box in the upper-right corner, select “Log Out,” and confirm by clicking “Logout.”
9.     If you’re scanning a book or another document that requires the flatbed scanner, you will need to use “Build Job,” just as in copying.
10.  There are actually a number of other options — file format, file name, email subject, resolution, etc. — but the above should be sufficient for most people’s purposes. The advanced options, though, are fairly self-evident. Feel free to look around in the options, and ask the front desk for help if you need to.

Releasing a Print Job:
[Note: this function is NOT in the Services area, like copying/scanning/faxing.]
1.     If the screen is asking for an account login, ignore it.
2.     Press the Job Status button to the left of the screen; it is the third button down.
3.     Select the “Secure Print Jobs” tab and select your name.
4.     Enter your user code with the numeric keypad, then press Enter.
5.     You will see a list of all your pending prints.
     a.     To print everything you have waiting, select “Release All” in the upper left.
     b.     To print a single job, select the job and then select “Release.”
     c.     You can also delete unwanted jobs; again, you can Delete All or select an individual job to delete.
6.     Select “Back” (near Delete All and Release All) to exit your secure folder. This is, effectively, your logout for this function, but if you logged in via Services, please logout as usual

Print Article


Article ID: 14307
Sat 7/2/16 9:35 PM
Tue 11/14/23 5:14 PM