Crestron scheduling panels are a great way to show the free/busy status of a particular room. They also allow event management directly from the panel. If you have specific questions about the functionality of the panels or are ready to move forward with the purchase of a panel please submit a ticket using this page.
ASCTech will work to:
- Consult on which scheduling panel is right for your space and budget.
- Request the exchange resource calendar for the room in question if it doesn’t already exist.
- Identify individual(s) from department to serve as lead for calendar training and for managing calendar permissions.
- Ensure that permissions are working and that client(s) can edit calendar as needed
- Schedule the install of the physical panel with OSU approved vendors.
- Once the panels arrive, they will be patched with any available software updates and setup with ASCTech’s standard configuration.
- Device will continue to be supported and patched for the duration of the product lifecycle.
All items will be handled by ASCTech’s Academic Technology team unless specifically noted or requested.
We understand that some support managers will want to take a more hands on role in the rollout and training of these devices. We want you to be as involved as you want to be. We can work with you on what exactly that would look like for your department on a case by case basis.