Instructional Design / Course Design

Partner with an Instructional Designer to construct effective, engaging learning experiences! We offer full course development through group and 1-on-1 workshops, interactive learning objective production, activity and content brainstorming and development, EHE Canvas course templates, consultations, and workshops on teaching, learning, and educational technology.

How do I get started?

Use the request button to get started. An Instructional Designer will review your needs and connect with you to learn more about your individual needs.

Leveled Services

Following consultation, an Instructional Designer will work with you on a plan for course development. To meet a variety of needs, we offer a range of service options:

Level A: 1-on-1 course development with a dedicated Instructional Designer. A designer will work with you 1-on-1 for a number of weeks from the initial planning stages, brainstorming activities and assignments, designing course content, LMS (CarmenCanvas) support, multimedia support, etc. through the launching of your course. This level will depend on availability and time to dedicate to a full course design.

  • Timeline: Level A typically requires 16-20 weeks from initial planning through full course design. If this level is desired, we highly recommend beginning more than 1 semester prior to the anticipated semester for the new course offering.

Level B: support with a dedicated Instructional designer through consultation and delivery of custom resources. This level will depend on availability and time to dedicate, and familiarity with the LMS (CarmenCanvas). Offerings in this service may include, but are not limited to, customized course templates, LMS (CarmenCanvas) support, multimedia support, and resources in the support of your course development. 

  • Timeline: Level B is dependent on the needs of the course and instructor. We would recommend beginning at least a semester prior to the new or updated course offering. 

Level C: support provided through resources, workshops, and other just in time guides. Offerings in this service may include, but are not limited to, standard course templates, resources for multimedia and LMS support, workshops and tutorials. 

  • Timeline: Level C is mostly self-paced, resources will be available or provided to you. This level is recommended for someone who has previously designed an online course, is comfortable with designing in the LMS (CarmenCanvas), or is on a shorter timeline.

What's Included?

A Distance Education and Learning Design (DELD) team member will work with you to determine your individual instructional design needs, but may include (but aren’t limited to):

  • Context and/or learner analysis
  • Course and instructor readiness inventory
  • Course alignment mapping
  • Review of course outcomes
  • Building learning objectives
  • Assignment and activity review and development
  • Assignment rubric development
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL) planning
  • Learner motivation and engagement strategies
  • Formative feedback planning
  • Adaptation of assignments and materials into online format
  • Technology integration and enhancements
  • Interactive learning object development
  • Course Design Camp (full course development in a group setting)
  • Course Design (full course development in individual setting)
  • Interactive learning object development
  • Templates for Canvas


All instructors, staff, and teaching assistants within the College of Education and Human Ecology.

Special Considerations

We’re here to support and partner with you to engage in reflective practices about teaching and learning, make pedagogical choices based on evidence in literature, and build high-quality educational experiences for all students.

This service promotes the core idea of Exemplar Teaching and Learning within EHE’s Strategic Framework, corresponds with the teaching or outreach components of the promotion and tenure process, and can have a direct impact on student learning.

Related Links:


Varies based on specific need. Time from request to consultation = 1 week

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Service ID: 52267
Tue 8/2/22 3:41 PM
Tue 8/2/22 3:41 PM