Guacamole is a service to access on campus computers remotely using a web browser.
Guacamole does not require the VPN to connect, do not use on the VPN.
Guacamole, in certain cases, can be used to access teaching labs.
You can request access to this service by sending an email to asctech@osu.edu. Include the OSU tag number of the campus PC you wish to remotely connect to (Silver tag, Starts with NC followed by a 6 digit number), and users who need to connect.
Usage: One to One, User to Assigned Computer
Guacamole is accessed using any HTML5 compliant browser: Current versions of Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari work.
- Connect to https://remote.service.osu.edu
- Log in with your lastname.#
- Authenticate with Duo
- Under "ALL CONNECTIONS" select the machine you want to connect to.
- Typically, there will only be one connection, unless you have multiple, special OSU services.
- You can RDP from your connection to other machines if you need to get to additional machines.

- You will be logged into the remote machine with your lastname.# credentials.
- When you are finished hit the Windows Start menu, then the 'person' icon, then 'Sign out'.
- Guacamole will inform you that 'You have been disconnected." Click 'Logout' and close the browser window.
Usage: Computer Labs
OTDI has a knowledge base article on remote labs with Guacamole:
Usage is as above with the following changes:
- Connect to https://remotelab.osu.edu
- You will see the name of the labs you have access to.
- If you have only one assigned lab, you'll just log right into the next available computer without seeing the lab list.
- You'll be assigned whichever computer is next free in the lab.
Note, only certain labs have been added, based on software requirements, such as limited licensing. Generally, if you have access to the software on a decent physical machine, that's preferable to remote.
- Make the browser window the desired size before you connect.
- Resizing the browser after connection zooms of shrinks the font, but does not change desktop real estate.
- Printing:
- Print the item as PDF and transfer the PDF to your local machine to print.
- Transferring files:
- Direct file is like downloading/uploading from a web site.
- For many files uploading the files to OneDrive and syncing on both machines is easiest.
- On screen keyboard:
- You can bring up an on screen keyboard by hitting control-alt-shift at the same time.
- Mainly this is useful if you have to do control-alt-delete or other keyboard combination.
- This isn't useful on an iPad, there a Bluetooth keyboard is recommended.