Zero Touch imaging allows a more streamlined experience for setting up a new device for single-use (One person assigned to machine). It is NOT appropriate for teaching labs or any shared computers.
This covers what you, the end user, can expect to see when setting up a Mac with Zero Touch.
Initial Setup
It is recommended that the computer be plugged into a power outlet with a stable Internet connection. Zero Touch should work over a wireless connection, but a wired connection is preferred as it is faster and more stable.
Follow the set-up screens (Choosing your Region/Language/Network) until you reach the Remote Management Screen:

Please click continue and log in with your OSU name.# and password when prompted. It may take a few minutes to load, but after it finishes you should be able to choose your Time Zone (there may be some additional screens on certain models). Please allow the time zone to be set using your current location using Location Services, and enable it when asked (this will useful for E911 calling in Microsoft Teams later on).

Continue to log in with your lastname.#@osu.edu and current OSU password
Note: If you need to connect to Wi-Fi at this screen, please click on the Wi-Fi symbol in the top right corner:

You will need to re-enter your current OSU password at the following prompt to set the the login password for the Mac. If you enter another password, JAMF Connect will see this discrepancy and prompt you to sync your login password:

Within a few minutes (up to 15), you should see OSU Management Jamf Welcome page. Once this welcome page pops up, please allow the Jamf Connect to set up the Mac.

Do not restart the computer until prompted to do so. When prompted, please feel free to force the restart by going to the Apple Logo and clicking "restart" as it is required: After the restart, the login screen should come up. Please sign in with your OSU credentials.
You will need to re-name your computer to reflect your department as well as the OSU Non-capitalized tag number. The format of the number is NCXXXXXX and is found on a silver tag on the computer -- e.g.NC123456. To re-name the computer, look for the "Ohio State Self Service Application" using Spotlight and search for "change". Start the process:

You may get a pop-up saying "Jamf" wants access to control "Finder". Hit OK if this pop-up appears.
When ready, a small text box prompt will pop up as seen below, please enter your computer name in the following format using the abbreviations found within this LINK. Your computer name should look like this: ASCDEP-NCXXXXXX, where DEP is the three letter code for your unit and XXXXXX is the OSU Non-capitalized asset tag number on the computer (usually a sticker on the underside of the laptop).

Now you can start using the MacBook! Please refer to the "Post Install Tasks" section below for next steps.
How Privileges Works
Privileges is an application that allows a standard user to escalate their own permissions to achieve administrator access on their machine. This will allow a standard user to perform administrative changes to their machine that they otherwise would not be able to do without having access to a local administrator account. This is a replacement, just for Zero Touch Macs, for the separate administrative account.
Information on how to use Privileges is in the related KB article.
If you need administrative access to your machine, submit an ASCTech ticket to begin the process.
Note: to see the Privileges app in Self-Service you will need to be signed into Self-Service. Do this using the Log In
button in Self-Service in the lower left and entering their lastname.# and OSU password. This can be done anytime after placing in the group, and doesn't require a tech to be present.
Post Install Tasks
Logging In
- After the initial login via OSU with Duo, it is not required to Duo every time to login.
- Instead, use the "Local Login" button at the middle bottom of the login screen.
- This allows login without a network connection.
- Note, most often the machine will skip the login screen entriely as it will login the user from the FileVault screen.
Using Self Service for Software
Look for the "Ohio State Self Service Application" using Spotlight to install most commonly needed software.

CrashPlan Backup - Logging In
- Sign in CrashPlan in order to setup the machine to backup.
- You will be prompted to enter your name.#@osu.edu.
- If prompted for a server address, that address is <clients.us2.crashplan.com>.
- After entering your password, you will receive a Duo prompt to approve the login.
- Once logged in, you will be prompted to select whether you want to replace a machine or add a new device.
- Replacing a machine will allow a user to restore their backup from a previous device backup.
- Adding a new device will create a new set of backups.
- More information on CrashPlan can be found in this article.
Microsoft Office - Licensing Office and OneDrive
When launching an Office application for the first time, you will be prompted to activate Office. In order to do this, simply sign in with your OSU email address.
- Once signed in, Office should see the OSU license and activate. It will then be able to be used normally.
- With Outlook, add your OSU email address and any other email address that you wish to add.
- Sign in to OneDrive (found within Self Service) if you want to have access to your files within OneDrive. To do this, open the OneDrive application and sign in with your OSU email address.
Changing OSU Password
- First change the password on my.osu.edu
- Jamf Connect will notify the user the passwords do not match.
- Click its box to change the password on the Mac. (Jamf Connect will update FileVault and Keychain).
- Jamf connect will warn the number of days until the password resets.
- Since this is based on the ASC AD, it will not clear until the VPN is used to connect.