1. Before you do anything, a request must be submitted to OTDI, requesting permission for the user to have access to the OnBase web client. The user will need to be added to the groups EDM_ADM_VIEW_UNIVDOCS and EDM_ASC_VIEW_ONLY. You can submit requests to OTDI via their Self Service page at go.osu.edu/help.
2. Open Cisco AnyConnect. Connect to the address vpn.service.osu.edu.
3. When you click Connect, you will be prompted for your Group, Username, Password, and Duo Token. Select EDM-Access for Group, use your name.# for your username, and use your standard OSU password for the password. The Duo Token will be the password retrieved from Duo.
4. Click OK and then Accept.
5. Open Safari. Click the Safari menu and choose Preferences.
6. In the Preferences window, click the Advanced tab. At the bottom of the Advanced section, click the checkbox next to Show Develop menu in menu bar. Close the Preferences window.
7. Click the Develop menu in the upper left corner. Select User Agent and then Internet Explorer 9.0. The user will have to select this option every time he/she opens Safari in order to log into OnBase.
8. The user may now log in to OnBase via go.osu.edu/onbase