Sponsored Guest Access


A Sponsored Guest is a way to get a collaborator access to OSU's systems.

Guests are requested via https://my.osu.edu. (In the past this was a Human Resources function, then, for a brief time it was a ticket to ASCTech.)

It is strongly recommended the sponsor request a guest themselves instead of having someone else do it, as the sponsor will be the only person receiving the renewal emails. ASCTech personnel will not be sponsors or secondary sponsors. 

Microsoft Teams

An official OSU Sponsored Guest account is not needed for a collaborator to join as anyone with a Microsoft account can be invited to a Team. They can share files and post. There is a yearly verification to the Team owners to re-approve outside guests.

Procedure to Request a Sponsored Guest Account

  • Go to https://my.osu.edu and login in the gray box to the left.
  • Once logged in, at the lower left you will see the guest tools:
  • Select Add New Guest
  • You will get to a form, some advice on the fields that may not be self-explanatory:
    • Relationship Role most likely you will choose between two roles:
      • Contractor/Vendor/Other - University Consultant / University Other IdM only for collaborators.
        • Detailed Role will be University Consultant IdM only.
        • On the next page you can pick entitlements, such as University Email.
      • Visiting Fellows-Unpaid for unpaid at OSU guests of a faculty member. Formerly this was called International Scholar.
    • Primary Sponsor should be the faculty member who is requesting the guest.
      • Only the sponsor will get a renewal email, not the guest!
    • Alternate Sponsor could be someone else in the Unit.
      • Typically it's another faculty member, chair/director, or a staff member in the unit. (Not an ASCTech staff member.)
    • Guest Administrator for Arts and Sciences this will be "Sweasey, David".
  • On the next page:
    • Approver this should auto-fill with the sponsor's supervisor, otherwise enter the name.#.
    • Campus whichever applies.
    • Title title for the guest.
    • Business Reason reason for the guest account.
    • Entitlements the role should have auto-filled these.

Next Steps

  • After the form is completed, it will route to the Primary Sponsor's supervisor. (Sometimes the supervisor needs to be made aware to approve the request.)
  • On renewal the sponsors will get an email to renew the account with links.

Detailed Information:

OSU Adimistrative Resource Center article Creating Guests and Affiliates has much more detailed information on the process for those who are curious. The above is sufficient to request.

What Sponsored Guests Can Do and What they Cannot

Sponsored Guests Get Access to:

  • A University Email System mailbox.
    • A Sponsored Guest may not be able to forward their lastname.#@osu.edu account, so they will need to check it.
    • There is a 50GB mailbox size limit for guests.
  • Microsoft 365 applications like Word, Excel, Teams, but only the web versions.
    • Microsoft Teams files are accessible to Guests.
      • Anyone with a Microsoft Account can be invited to a Microsoft Teams team.
    • OneDrive storage is limited to 50GB.
      • Sponsored Guests who transition from being OSU employees to guests will have their OneDrive storage reduced.
        • Be sure to get the files you need out of OneDrive or into a Team for continuity.
  • Potential access to ASC's systems.
  • code.osu.edu

Sponsored Guests Do Not Have Access to:

  • Library Resources for Journals, etc.
  • Adobe Creative Cloud apps.
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Article ID: 130042
Thu 3/11/21 2:26 PM
Thu 7/25/24 5:10 PM

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