Popular Services

Don't see what you need? Submit a request and we'll get it to the right place.

Provides dedicated network storage for research data.

Request access to ASC's SSH jump host.


Virtual Private Network (VPN) creates a secure, encrypted connection, which can be thought of as a tunnel, between your computer and resources within your network security perimeter.

Admin access to devices or services.

ASCTech will assist with installing software and any software issues.

Request an account to use Unity.

Request software right from your computer.

CrashPlan is a backup service for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Request access to an existing shared drive or creation of a new shared drive.

Request a new ASC Standard Theme Website built on the Content Management System (CMS), Drupal.

A/V and computer support within classrooms and conference rooms owned by the College of Arts & Sciences.

Custom applications designed to support the administrative needs of the College of Arts & Sciences.


Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) allows a user to take control of a remote computer or virtual machine over a secure network connection.

Request an account to access ASC resources.

Submit a software program for assessment of accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Custom websites designed to meet the research needs of our distinguished researchers and faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences.

Provides guidance on all aspects of scientific computing.

Training signup for ASC Standard Theme Websites built on the Content Management System (CMS), Drupal.

Allows support of research outside bounds of fixed services.

Request a sign or help with an existing sign

Support of ASC-owned printers.

Help find or develop research data storage solutions.

Researchers and ASCTech can reach a better mutual understanding.