Popular Services
Provides ASC-managed on-site network storage intended for research data.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) creates a secure, encrypted connection, which can be thought of as a tunnel, between your computer and resources within your network security perimeter.
Request access to an existing shared drive or creation of a new shared drive.
Allows support of research outside bounds of fixed services.
Ask how to use Unity or report a problem.
The ASC Website Hosting Service, also known as WWW or Tri-Dub, is for those users who need to create and publish HTML and PHP directly.
Researchers and ASCTech can reach a better mutual understanding.
Help find or develop research data storage solutions.
Provides guidance on all aspects of scientific computing.
Submit a software program for assessment of accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
A/V and computer support within classrooms and conference rooms owned by the College of Arts & Sciences.
Custom websites designed to meet the research needs of our distinguished researchers and faculty in the College of Arts & Sciences.
Hardware purchasing and recommendations.
Request a discussion about Unity's capabilities and use, or about buying an exclusive compute node.
Request software not found in Self Service or Software Center.