How to purchase Adobe Creative Cloud licenses for faculty, staff, and student employees
Adobe Creative Cloud apps usually update automatically. If the apps are not staying up to date, or old apps are not being removed, follow this procedure.
Bruker TopSpin is installed on certain COP-managed computers for processing NMR data. Use the procedure below to ensure the TopSpin 4 license server is entered properly.
Dell Command Update is a software program that can be used to keep drivers, BIOS, and other Dell utilities updated. It is included with all Dell computers supported by Pharmacy Technology Services.
Echo360 can be used to record lectures in classrooms.
Echo360 can be used to record lectures outside class.
College of Pharmacy users can obtain a Lexicomp mobile app code.
Windows has a limit of 256 characters for file and folder paths. Here is an easy way to identify problematic files.
How to access MNova NMR software on your university or college computer
Audio input devices (microphones) and output devices (spakers) may not be detected by Windows or software applications such as Zoom, Teams, or Echo360.
Office applications may continuously prompt users to login to their Microsoft account and activate the license.
Users may encounter an error in Office365 apps - "Sorry, another account from your organization is already signed in on this computer."
VMware Horizon Client may consume high RAM while connected to EPIC, which is causing other applications to crash or throw memory errors.
Determine what hardware is compatible with Windows 11.
These steps will walk users through signing into common software applications upon their first login.
Zoom participants may experience an issue where the active speaker's video is always blank.